Places to go (other than mine that is)

Here are some banners to use while linking to my website. Have fun!
Small Banner.
Medium Banner
Large Banner. Isn't he cute?
Also try out this way cool Banner by my friend AkiraKojima:
By AkiraKojima.

I will eventually have some cool sites to link to, like the Suburban Jungle, or Something Positive, because y'know, you REALLY should be reading those, not this paltry little strip...

First off, an intensely loved Comic strip by John "The Gneech" Robey. It's very cool:
The Suburban Jungle!

Try Vinci and Arti is an adorable webcomic. Sometimes you really hate Arty, but then you see them together and it gives you all these warm fuzzies inside! MMmm-MM! Warm Fuzzies...

Next give this one a try. She's just starting out, so pop in and say hi:
Six Pack Of Otters!

Also, one webcomic that I think would make a really cool musical:
Something Positive.

And uhhh... seems I've been linking to the "Something Positive" Pizza place instead of the Webcomic, so just for kicks here is that link.

Next, he's what we in the business (And by "We in the business" I mean... me... and another guy) Call a "Fanart Machine," He's also the first website to link to my website without my asking, That makes him cool!:
Apparently you should be afraid of some sort of tiny piscine creature... but what do I know?

Fur-mech Uchi is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.

*Oh! And Syphilis!